Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Captiva Love

I rarely make bags for myself. Usually I just wait until a project goes awry and then I decide I can't sell the darn thing and then I make up some excuse as to why it can't possibly be thrown away and then it becomes my new bag. Great advertising for myself as I tootle around town don't you think?

But I made something for myself yesterday. It is completely unpractical. I usually have to carry a huge bag due to the fact that I am constantly toting a kitchen sink around for my toddler and 6 year old.

But we are headed off to Captiva Island in Florida this weekend and I'm determined to go somewhere where I can carry this. I used an old scrap of fluffy trim I couldn't part with and it matches nothing I own and I simply don't care. It is that cute. And very Florida vacationish...don't you agree?


Michelle said...

So cute! I am still loving my messenger bag. It rocks.

Anonymous said...

this is adorable. You enjoy FLA and only carrying your credit cards so you can shop for yourself and of course that crazy lipstick!

Tracy said...

And so, you have returned. Did the bag serve you well? It's cute!