Coming Up To Take A Breath
Ahh, I'm up for a breath of fresh air. I had a big show a week and a half ago and have been seriously and semi-permanently chained to the Husquavarna. Cut, iron, sew repeat...22 times. That has been my week and thus my lack of any word on the blogs and the website, which has also been shamelessly neglected as well. People who read the ladybugs blog probably think I took my kids and fell off the end of the earth. No really, I shooshed my kids out the back door told them to take the dog and spend some quality time on the swing set. Which they have done happily and graciously. Oh yes, and they've eaten their year's fill of hot dogs and pretzels too. I can make hot dogs and iron interfacing at the same time it seems. That takes some multitasking talent, I'll have to add that to my resume. No bother that I am up a few finger burns and one index finger that was sewn through. All would have been fine if I hadn't panic'd and ripped the thread out before unleashing it from the machine. Good grief you'd think I'd learn.So, onto bigger and better and more interesting items. Pictures. What has all this blood and sweat produced? Here are a few goodies. This first pictur
e shows a few I designed and whipped up recently. They are currently living at the 4th Street
Gallery Boutique...hopefully to find a funky home soon.
These next ones show some of the design your own items at the most recent show. I am simply the sewing flunky on these. Ladies did pretty well right?
That's not all of them, but a few that give you the idea. A few people have contacted me recently about diaper bags. Maybe that is what the next few projects will be. Not to mention that my neighbor recently brought her new baby girl home from the NICU. I've been meaning to get on top of that situation as well. Preemie baby Ava needs a fun summer diaper bag right, preferrably before she's potty trained.
And that is the Pink Evita news update. Two shows happening later this week. I'll report back.
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