Teacher Gift Time
It's teacher gift time again. One of my very favorite times of the year to come up with something special for the teachers in our lives.
Olivia has 2 preschool teachers and a dear woman who runs the show coordinating teachers and lots and lots of little kids running a-muck. Hopefully they will like what a few of Olivia's friends and I have selected this year.
Ava's dear second grade teacher likes blue, we have come to learn. So, Ava selected this blue and green wool plaid mixed with chocolate brown velvet chenille. We decided to toss on some ball fringe just to make things interesting.
This business started with a desire to make unique handmade items for teachers 3 years ago. It has grown slowly over time and I've been so fortunate to be able to have a creative business that allows me time to be with my girls while they are young and need me around the house while still having something of my very own.
Thank you to the teachers in our lives right now and all teachers out there mentoring our kids and molding them into inspired, passionate and learned souls.
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