Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Friday, January 22, 2010
It's a new year. And, like most other things that force me to multi task in my life...I find them stressful. I must simplify, so I can spend more time on my couch, with my puggle.
Pink Evita is now here.
Please come visit.
Posted by
Pink Evita
4:12 PM
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Teacher Gift Time
It's teacher gift time again. One of my very favorite times of the year to come up with something special for the teachers in our lives.
Olivia has 2 preschool teachers and a dear woman who runs the show coordinating teachers and lots and lots of little kids running a-muck. Hopefully they will like what a few of Olivia's friends and I have selected this year.
Ava's dear second grade teacher likes blue, we have come to learn. So, Ava selected this blue and green wool plaid mixed with chocolate brown velvet chenille. We decided to toss on some ball fringe just to make things interesting.
This business started with a desire to make unique handmade items for teachers 3 years ago. It has grown slowly over time and I've been so fortunate to be able to have a creative business that allows me time to be with my girls while they are young and need me around the house while still having something of my very own.
Thank you to the teachers in our lives right now and all teachers out there mentoring our kids and molding them into inspired, passionate and learned souls.
Posted by
Pink Evita
1:33 PM
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Finishing up Custom Orders
Here is one that had the challenge of black, brown and light blue. When the gal said this was the color combination she'd like, I thought, ugh oh...I don't think I can come up with something really great with black, brown and light blue. However, she popped over on a Sunday afternoon and this is what we came up with. I love it, I want one for myself.
The photo lighting is atrocious since my normal photo editing software is in the shop with my desktop hard drive. It is sick with a nasty virus since I didn't get it vaccinated, I suppose. I'm hoping my beloved old computer comes home in perfect order later this week and I can give the kids back their play laptop with the sticky "P" very soon.
What will I do with my time once this last custom order is delivered you ask? Besides all the normal holiday preparations of course? Oh, my fun project list is a mile long.1) Snuggies for my girls ~ I heard that groan...but they are asking for them and I have about 6 lbs. of fleece I'd like to unload from my sewing room. So, they might just be getting snuggies for Christmas. No comments from the peanut gallery pppplease. See, that darn sticky "P".
2) A few family members have asked for and might be getting reusable market bags made from oil cloth and nylon handles. No advertisements for the local food market chain here folks. My only challenge will be to find some awesome oilcloth in masculine cloth. No pink damask or green dots, no way.
3) Felt and cotton scraps made into girlie hair clips for my girls to give away as Christmas presents to their friends. I'll post some ictures, oh great now the "P" is barely working at all. They are so darn cute and fun to make in front of the tv.
4) Teacher gifts...my favorite people to give handbags and tote to! They deserve so much more than a free tote bag...so I will try to design some fun bags for the girls to surprise them with!
5) Aprons...I'd love to play around a bit with the Amy Butler Goddess Apron pattern I ordered recently.
Looks like I better hop off the blog and get to work. Happy December gift making, drop me a comment telling me what you are making this month.
Posted by
Pink Evita
9:41 AM
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Still Here...but lost in the sewing room
Time is zipping away. Poof gone...3 weeks in a flash. I keep wanting to post to ye' ole blog but then realize oh my goodness, that is 20 minutes that I could spend toiling away in the sewing room prepping for the next show. This fall season I signed up for six shows in 9 weeks. Which quite frankly is somewhat insane for me. You know me, little old WAHM with 2 small children, one 23 lb. puggle, and one muffin man to take care of. But, I'm doing it. Scrambling, but doing it.
I said scrambling right?
I committed to these shows really wanting to learn what is the best market for my little traveling market. What sells in public events best? Should I do preschool/church bazaars? Will people make an $80.00 impulse buy or is the threshold a little lower? Will people like my sometimes goofy sense of color and design? Through all of the crazed mania of running the normal cul-de-sac activities plus attending these shows I do feel like I have a better idea of what will work for my business.
For anyone out there who might be interested....here are a few things I've learned.
1. When setting up a booth at a fair or market have several smaller lower price point items and set them front and center on the table.
2. Attention to detail and neatness and a pretty table really do count. I have seen lots of booths with gorgeous things but they were laid flat on a white table...people don't stop to look if it isn't eye catching, colorful or interesting. Even then the stuff on the table is really cool.
3. Making eye contact with even the most reclusive shopper really does help.
4. When working a show, skip the "oh, so cute" but pinchy shoes. Those dogs will be barkin' 8 hours in, trust me.
5. Meeting other artistians and crafty folks is part of the fun of it all. I have coffee dates set up with a few of the most amazingly talented women I've met over the past few weeks. I'm very excited to begin sharing with other artzy'ies out there.
Tomorrow I'm off to combined open house home show. I've never done one like this that will last for 2 1/2 days. Oh, the digs are super lovely and I get to camp out in the hostess dining room. Yeeesssss. If you are in the Carmel, IN local area and want to see some gorgeous art, jewelry and ok, a few handbags too... stop by the Village of West Clay Village Boutique this weekend. (See the side bar for the address.)
Posted by
Pink Evita
12:34 PM
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Color Me There
I will be here on Saturday. The Hoosier Artisan boutique at the Oak Hill Mansion in Carmel, IN.
The sewing room is a flutter, ok and a clutter of activity trying to get ready.
I've got big bags, small bags, casual bags, and fancy bags. IPod covers, diaper caddies, zipper pouches, heat therapy rice bags, and key fobs will be laid out looking for good homes as well.
Hey, grab a friend and stop by to support the March of Dimes and your local artisan community.
Posted by
Pink Evita
1:11 PM
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Off To Market
Last week it was off to market for Pink Evita. I set up and broke down the "shop" two times in two days. That is right, as a complete martyr and glutton for punishment I participated in two shows in two days.
And then I collapsed onto the couch and didn't even unpack the truck until the weekend. I couldn't do that every week but it was a fun ride while it lasted.
I'm testing the market by choosing to participate in a wide variety of art and craft shows this fall and holiday season. I chose a church function, which by the way was an amazing 3 hours of fun and selling frenzy...thank you ladies so very much of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. I do hope to be invited back again next year. Then I chose a highly publicized event that was supposed to bring in 1500 ladies to shop for a 9 hour event. Gah, exhausting and not fabulous in the sales department, but ohhh, the people watching was amazing. I had the pleasure of being situated next to the nicest jewelry sales person ever and yes, by about 6 hours into the event we were drinking wine. Not sure about that show for next year.
Next up is the first ever Hoosier Artisan Show on October 17th at Oak Hill Mansion in Carmel, IN. (My hometown..now.) I am so darn skippy excited to be exhibiting with 50 other Hoosier artisans, this show is all handmade and all local. It is free to the public, so stop on by to say hello. I'm honored I could get a space and look forward to just hanging out with the other vendors. Look at this website...oooh, I'm sending the checkbook with the muffin man and letting him loose. While I exhibit, he can pick up some nice goodies for his lovely bride, that would be me. (I didn't say young bride, just lovely.)
Later in November I am also participating in a private home show and an open to the public show that will showcase local artisans. I'm testing the waters to see what works best for my little wee business. Is it better to pay the money to get into the larger more highly publicized public events or is it a better fit to focus on work of mouth sales and participate in smaller more private shows? I'm taking notes, people, taking notes and will report findings soon.This week...ahhh, just working on a few custom orders. I love custom orders where people get so excited about ideas they have created. It is extra special fun as people consider handmade for gift giving this Christmas season.
These little zipper pouches with matching key fobs were a custom order and are going home today! The are girlfriend Christmas gifts. Apparently this group of ladies meets each holiday season for a gal pal dinner. This year the gals will each be receiving zipper pouch sets customized to their color preferences.
I'm off to go cut out some felt to make two Halloween poodles skirts. Yes, I know two little girls who want to be transported back to 1955 on Halloween eve. Yes, I'll post pictures of my gals in their new crinolines when I get them done!
Posted by
Pink Evita
11:32 AM