Monday, August 25, 2008


I will admit to not usually being "taken" with too much character wear. I sort of cringed when my then 3 year old daughter went through a Pooh Bear phase and wanted to wear a hand-me-down Pooh jacket each and every day for 5 very long months of my life. I'm much more laid back about what my second daughter wears...and quite frankly am pretty darn pleased with myself when she
steps off the cul-de-sac in something covering a diaper and dare I say it...has a clean tee shirt to boot. I'm simply too old and too tired to fight about whether the pink sandals match the dress these days.

In a step away from my character wear snobbiness...I stumbled on some Olivia the Pig material recently. And, yes my little 2 year old's name is Olivia but I was smitten with the material because quite frankly I think it ROCKS. So, I had to have it in not one but two colors.

I have serious doubts whether anyone would have the slightest interest in Olivia The Pig material on a tote bag but on a whim I made it up anyway. Build the bag and they will come right?

I interfaced this bag with this amazing new stuff and boy oh is super lightweight but fabulously stiff and holds its shape perfectly.

I've also discovered the wonderful world of key fobs. Yes, I know other designers/crafters have been doing this for a while but who am I if not one to follow a trend dreadfully late? So, the key fob in the picture comes with the bag and there is a neato clasp hook directly sewn into the bag for the keys to hook directly on! No more keys dropping to the bottom of the bag!

Because the person interested in this bag might have a child...dare I guess...there are also 4 large bucket pockets sewn into the lining.

Miss Olivia the Pig is 14" x 14" with 25" handles and sells for $60.00. You can get her over at Pink or by emailing me.

I am now off to much more dignified work. My girls NEED fancy halloween candy baskets in this incredible witch hat material I scored at a 40% off sale this weekend. Yikes, it is uber cute. Oh, and they don't know it yet but the candy baskets will have huge orange satin bows! See me smile, see me swoon for huge orange bows.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bags 2 Riches Contest

A friend told me about a contest that benefits an organization that fights homelessness earlier this year. Here, go look them up...
After reading their website, I decided sure, what the heck I will enter a bag and see what happens. Worse case scenario they get a bag to try to auction off for a good cause.

So I made this one. It is called An Affair to Remember. If you had an affair to remember, wouldn't you probably be carrying this bag? I would. And, I thought I was done.

But then I made this one. She is called A Kiss on the Chic. And, I couldn't decide which one to enter into the contest. So I entered them both today.

I'd like to win. There I said it. I have no idea how lofty that goal is...but heh? It's out there. Wish my little baggies good luck....please.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Princess Crown

I felt like taking a break from belts and bags today. Mostly because it is just one of those days where the Muffin Man is traveling...out selling widgets to midgets and I'm here holding down the fort. There are precious few days left before the official start of 1st grade. Six days and counting if you must know.

I bought a few plain tee shirts on clearance at Target recently for each of the girls. I've been feeling the need to applique something recently. Why? I have no idea. But when I get an idea in my usually gets stuck and then starts niggleing me uncontrollably, until I do something about it. Like, just applique the little crown on the tee shirt already and then move onto key fobs or something. It is hard to live in my brain sometimes. If only it was as driven to scrub a toilet or wet mop a kitchen floor, if only.

Here is Ava's little princess crown. Does she look like she is merely tolerating my request for photographic evidence that I sewed a little crown on a tee shirt? This is appliqued courtesy of some scrap Amy Butler material. She'll be the princess of all princesses at Forest Dale Elementary. Although, I don't suppose she truly needed the tee shirt for us all to believe that one.